Five Myths about Ethnic Studies Curriculum and What the Truth Is

From, Published on 2021-1-21. 【Chinese Version 中文版

Author: Yi Ding

Translators: Dora, Cheryl, Marie

Is the Ethnic Studies Program in California public schools brainwashing students? The review period for California’s new ethnic studies curriculum will end on January 20, 2021. For Chinese families who are concerned about their children’s education and personal growth, it is necessary to understand the historical background of ethnic studies curriculum in the United States. This article attempts to clear away rumors and provide suggestions on the issue from multiple perspectives.

Five Myths about Ethnic Studies Curriculum

In 2021, the latest development of the previous year’s racial tensions and electoral farce has been a shocking riot at the United States Capitol.

Cultivating tolerance, promoting understanding, and encouraging innovation are basic educational principles that are even more important in the face of escalating current events. In California, the pioneer of educational reform, the agenda for systematic curriculum reform has accelerated, and the development and implementation of ethnic studies has become the focus.

California Act AB 1460 passed in August, 2020—starting fall of 2021, California State System universities must provide ethnic studies courses for students, and all students must complete an ethnic studies or social justice courses before they can graduate.

Within secondary education, the AB-2016 bill calls for the development of an Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC) that will “Prepare pupils to be global citizens with an appreciation for the contributions of multiple cultures.”

Members of a campaign to require ethnic studies courses in San Diego Unified School District stand outside the district office.(Courtesy: Ethnic Studies Now Campaign San Diego)

However, this when this broad ideology was applied to a specific curricular design, it received heavy backlash,

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