

前言:川普宣称他会清除华盛顿的腐败沼泽,靠着蓝领劳工的选票上台。但是根据天空新闻的报道,川普的第二次就职典礼邀请了众多亿万富翁们,他们的总共财产市值超过一万亿美元,这是史无前例的,也预示着美国民主正在滑向亿万富翁的“寡头政治”。那么,寡头政治到底是什么样子的呢?且让我们看看川普2.0头20天都发生什么事情吧。 […]


Trump 2.0 Timeline

We are now living in the world of 1984. One of the ways authoritarian regimes maintain their rule is to whitewash and rewrite history. Let’s bear witness to the history unfolding before us, and let’s not let lies and falsehoods blind our eyes. As a public service, major events under the Trump 2.0 regime will be recorded in this blog. […]